Northmoor Acres, surrounded by acres of farmland, is a covenant- controlled subdivision of 120 lots with 118 homes located about 1 mile east of I-25 at Exit 250 and south on County Road 11. Each home is situated on more than one acre of land. Located in the middle of the subdivision is 30+ acres of open space for use by all HOA Members and their guests for horseback riding, hiking and picnics. Many HOA Members of this community own horses for which only two horses are allowed per lot.
The Association holds an annual HOA Member meeting each year. The financials are run on a fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. The annual assessments cover a weekly trash pick-up each Thursday.
The Board of Directors holds Board meetings the 3rd Thursday of each month. All Northmoor Acres HOA Members are invited to attend or listen in virtually on these meetings. An invitation is sent out via email a couple days before the meeting to all Members who have provided their email addresses. Questions can be addressed to: board@northmooracres.com.
The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) holds meetings on the 1st Wednesday of each month. See the Architectural Committee policy to understand what must be approved by the committee BEFORE starting work on a project.
Please check this website for any date changes to the above meetings. The schedule for these meetings is posted on the calendar to the right.
Northmoor Acres HOA hopes you enjoy the website. You can find here all the information about the HOA activities and documents for meetings, financials and newsletters.